Drain Cleaning in Columbia, TN

Few things are as frustrating as trying to drain water down your sink, only to experience a clogged drain instead. Even self-described DIYers can struggle with those pesky drain blockages!

Fortunately, MW Mechanical is here to help. We are experts in residential drain cleaning and can provide a whole house drain cleaning service for your peace of mind. What are you waiting for? Contact our licensed service professionals today. We are available to take your call 24/7.

How does drain cleaning work:

Drain cleaning involves clearing out any debris or build-up in a pipe so that wastewater can flow freely. This typically includes using a chemical cleaner, mechanical augers, and other tools to remove the blockage. Our professional plumbers at MW Mechanical have the experience and skills to thoroughly clean your drains without causing any damage to them.

Why is a drain cleaning necessary?
There are several reasons why it's so important to get your drains cleaned regularly:

  1. Prevent Blockages: Regular drain cleaning can help prevent clogs from forming in your pipes or plumbing systems by removing built-up material such as hair, grease, food particles, soap, and more.

  2. Remove Bad Smells: A smelly or poorly draining sink or tub can be caused by trapped waste buildup in your pipes. A professional drain cleaner can remove this buildup to help eliminate bad odors.

  3. Extend Pipe Lifetime: Professional drain cleaning will help extend the life of your piping system as it removes hard water deposits that can cause corrosion over time.

  4. Prevent More Serious Problems: If you're noticing signs of a partial blockage, such as a gurgling sound when flushing toilets or slow-draining sinks, getting them professionally cleaned could save you money on repairs down the road if they become more severe blockages later on.

When should you have your drains professionally cleaned?

Having your drains professionally cleaned at least once every two years is recommended. This frequency may increase depending on usage levels – for instance, having multiple people using the same shower will require more frequent cleanings than a single person would need or certain household locations, such as kitchens, might require more frequent cleanings as well. Regardless, it’s always best practice to get them professionally serviced at least twice per year as preventative maintenance against serious issues down the road.

How to prevent drain clogs:

If clearing clogs and cleaning house drains is not your favorite pastime, you likely want to know how to prevent drain clogs in the first place. The expert team at MW Mechanical has some helpful drain maintenance tips to share with you:

  1. Regularly flush your drains with hot water to prevent buildup

  2. Catch debris with drain screens to prevent it from entering your pipes

  3. Don’t dispose of grease and oils down your drains – they can solidify and cause clogs!

  4. Don’t wait for slow drainage to become a substantial clog. Request residential drain cleaning services without delay.

  5. Keep your plumbing system in tip-top shape by scheduling routine whole house drain cleaning

Contact MW Mechanical for home drain cleaning in Columbia, TN and the surrounding areas.

You don’t have to deal with drainage issues and stubborn clogs by yourself. MW Mechanical is here to help. Our licensed and insured service professionals use a range of technologies and techniques to help you maintain your plumbing systems. Contact us today to request a no-obligation estimate.

Schedule a service with MW Mechanical today!